Sunday, March 2, 2014

6 months

I love how time can just fly by you.  Well sometimes.  I really do not look forward to my kids growing up and move out.  I keep telling them to stop growing and having birthdays.  They always laugh at me when I tell them that. 

My twins are 6 months old.  I cant believe it.  I am super beyond blessed we have made it this far with them!

I have really gotten to notice things with the girls lately.  

Gemma, my Gemma baby.  Baby B.  My breach baby. ( well she was that way first 90%) of the time.  Today I noticed her first tooth has decided to grace us.  She is a mover.  A snuggler. I have always put the girls at the opposite sides of the crib to give them room to wiggle if they happen to do so.  Well Gemma always ends up right next to Skyler.  Once day I had them on the bed with me while I was reading and they both passed out and Gemma moved herself until she was right next to me.  It when then that I realized she does this too to Skyler.  She is my cuddle monkey.  She also is getting herself in all sorts of corners.  She has got then tuck tummy move going on.  Tucking her legs to her belly.  And then pushes herself all over the bedroom.  Gemma is also the most ticklish.  

Now for baby A my Skyler.  She is my smilie button.  She will smile at anything and everything. She is not so ticklish.  She is also drooling a little more tonight so I cant imagine that it will take to long before she pops a tooth.  She is just starting to do the tuck tummy.  But she is no pro yet.  She does how ever picks up lots of toys and holds on to them and chews on them.  She will pick up the tiniest things.  I told my sister I enjoy feeding her baby food the best.  She eats super fast.  I finally understood thats because she has a bigger mouth so her bites are bigger and less messier.  No she is no snuggle bunny but she is a singing baby.  She talks and talks and squeals all of the time!!

So the girls are on much different levels then each other, which I love seeing so many different milestones reached and being that they are completely different, different personalities for sure.  

Oh and my Sky she happens to love to grab a hold of Gemma often.  She will grab her lips and ears all of the time.  Oo does it make Gemma mad.  Plus she is a kicker.  My poor Gemma is often kicked in the head or tummy.  But she has started grabbing on to Skylers legs when she kicks her!

Clara the other day, I had my hands full!  I had just finished feeding Gemma baby food and laid her on the floor to play and was in the middle of feeding Skyler when I hear Gemma getting mad and crying.  I get up to check on her and see Clara had attempted to pick Gemma up and gave up and started to drag her by the arm into the hallway.  I assume she just wanted her to come play in her room!

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