Saturday, October 31, 2015

This is mostly about the book I've read

So the Hubs and I have deactivated our facebooks.  Well im not going to go into deal on that here.  But lets just say we felt that stepping away from FB would keep us out of the drama created around us.  But rest assure we will be back asap.

Thus on the very same day of turning off FB another drama hit us hard enough to want to make a drastic change for our family!!

With all these I told myself I'd try to be more active in my blog.  I am not sure ill be as good as I want to with a lot of things changing in the next 3 weeks.

I also wanted to share with all this recent book I read.  WOW.  First let me tell you it has some very mature and bad words.  I state this because its not for a kid.   Not for any that is ready to read some intimate stuff.  Now its not to terrible to read through that your skipping pages to get through it lol. And it doesnt get deep into that stuff until the 3rd of so in the series.  The relationship has to develop first!  That being said.  I have felt many of the characters emotion.  I mean when I finish a page or stop to do other things I have to separate myself from the book.  But this book WOW.  It was as if I actually felt the sorry, love, anger, ect myself.  I have never felt a pull that strong in a book before.  (you can totally understand this if your a book reader)  There were a few things I thought that was so stupid.  I mean why would you do that to the guy you love and is in ever sense in the word your soulmate.  I mean if your soulmates, you dont want to do it alone.  I get she was trying to protect them but at the same time what better way to protect him/family then together.  Then I thought well this character is 18.  Then that thought totally made me feel old and like a total mom thinking that LOL.  Aside from all that this book is about Angels and Demons.  But mostly about Gargoyles.

So there you go the end.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Clara Bell

Yesterday was Clara's 3rd birthday!!!

In away im sad that my little Clara bell is growing.  I have to say that she sticks out more then the other kids.  She just has the personality that can be described in only one way.  Its called Clara.  I love her name too.  I am so glad that the hubs and I decided on her name.

Anyways, this year she was super excited for her birthday.  This whole month and maybe part of September she was telling me soon it would be her birthday.  I thought that we would have problems with her on her siblings birthdays.  I thought she'd take charge and declare it not there birthday but hers.  But she didnt.  She was actually happy and excited to celebrate her siblings birthdays.  But she made it known she could not wait for her birthday to be here!

She would singing and tell me to sing Happy Birthday to you.  You could just tell she had such a wonderful day.

We decided to get a platter from Subway.  Sandwiches are the bests.  I also decided to get some cookies from there too.  And we had chips and salsa and a yummy Oreo cake.  Surprisingly she hasnt even had any of her cake.  If ya'll recall she hugged her 1st birthday cake and didnt want to let it go.  She held on to her for a good while.

She is happy with all her goodies and as any kid of there birthday was consumed with playing with her new stuff.  She got some books and a movie and a cute outfit and some puppets (besides actual toys that is) so she will be a happy gal for awhile.  Even better then that Christmas is just right around the corner so she is very content.

My lil sassy girl is getting big.  She is starting to really understand when you hurt someone she feels bad and tells them sorry.  So she gets that there is a cause and effect to things now.  She is also understanding that when mom and dad ask you to do something they arent giving you a choice you better do it!

BUT she still sucks her thumb.  No ideas on how to get her to drop this habit..I can try to distract her til im blue or ask her to stop but its just not happening.  I hope she gives it up soon...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fit Bit FUN!

Lets face it,  growing up I was a skinny gal.   But pregnancy is my energy to my body.  I get the urge to eat and I love it.  When  I am not pregnant I forget to eat and Im ok if I go a day or two without eating.

Since getting pregnant with Clara I havent gone a year without getting pregnant.  SO my body needs some extra help getting back to the shape I use to be.  I have always taken a year to get back after having a baby (ok so that is how I was with my first two kids)

I have a ways to go.  But it didnt take long to be pre-Thomas.  I am not working at getting pre-twins.  After that  Ill work on getting pre-Clara.

My older sister just had her baby and was talking about the coolest gadget.  I wanted one too.  A fit bit!!

I had one of those apps on my phone to calculate your steps.  I had that when I was working at JoAnns.  Let me tell you I'd think that was insane that I'd get 3,000 steps in a day at home.  Which I didnt always do.  When I would work at the evenings I'd get anywhere between 6,000-9,000 steps.  I felt on fire!!!

I lost interest in calculating my steps after I stopped working.  It took up to much memory on my phone and I hated to constantly carry it I didnt always have pockets in the clothes I would wear.

Any then my birthday came and I got me a fit bit!

My first day with it, I woke up determined to hit the 10,000 step goal.  If this is what an average healthy person is suppose to be walking I'd do it!  I felt myself so busy this first day.  I had hardly sat down for a minute.  I drank 7 waters that day.  As it was getting close to the evening I was ready to crash I was only at 7,000.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to met my goal and I wasnt close enough.  So I got my tired self on my elliptical and pushed myself harder.  I was so tired I wanted to cry from being tired.  Of course I still had to be a mom and do our nightly stuff with the kids.  I had Hailey reading my books and sight words on the kitchen floor so I could try to get my last steps in.  Needless to say I did it!!

I realized a day or two later that the elliptical didnt calculate steps right.  I decided I'd try to at least get my 30 active minutes on the elliptical.

The next day I told myself I had to do more steps earlier or i'd be dead like I was the day before.  After the 2nd day hitting my goal I was so tired.  I just wanted to sit and veg out.  I wasnt exactly sleepy.  I was also hungry!  I havent felt hungry in months and this is pushing my body for fuel!  I wasnt making my goal for a few days.  I just told myself it happens you have to have a few cheat days.  I didnt feel much different other then being moody, and tired.

But then a few days later I hit 15,000 steps.  I was challenging my sister, BIL and Husband.  I did that so I'd push myself to see that 10,000 steps a day because then they'd see it too.  I wasnt trying to beat them.  I knew I wouldnt.  They get up to 20,000 steps a day and sometimes more!!  So for another week I did 10,000 steps and one day I hit 15,000.  I kept it up!  Then I hit 15,000 again.  I thought seeing I could do it twice I needed to push my goal up to 15,00 steps a day!!!

So I started doing that as my goal everyday.  I felt as if I had just started doing this fit bit thing again.  I was tired, hungry and moody!  I hated letting things get to me that the kids do.  I usually have patience for the small stuff. I couldnt wait for days to climb by me because I needed to be fueled enough for my steps and for the kids.

Finally after near a week, I am feeling like Im getting to be use to the increase of steps and enjoying my days again.

I feel different.  I havent an accurate numbers on our scale.  Soon we will be replacing it, so I know what my weight loss is.  I feel my legs toning out.  I now have to stop being lazy and wear tennis shoes.  I have been wearing my sandals and yesterday I started to get a blister on my foot.  Joy, now I can do my goals with a

I am going to try to do my goal for another week before increasing my goal again.  I dont think I am going to jump it up that fast.  Ill try to increase by 1,000-2,000 I have had a few nights of hitting 16,000.

I have also increase my miles to 6 I am nearly hitting 7.  I am getting anywhere between 60-90 active minutes.  So days I feel like walking is to slow.  I want to get my steps faster and run.  But  I am not sure it will read the steps accurate either and I am definitely not in shape enough to run for long lol!

Yesterday I was so excited to see my 7 day steps hit 100,000.

I am also not in this alone, besides my sister and her husband, Ethan is fit biting with me.  Although he isnt as active in wearing his watch.  He has starting going to the gym 2-3 times a week and walking our dog every night.  He has finished his first week at the gym.

First week is the hardest!  So for all that want to start challenging yourself just know it gets easier after your first week and I would suggest not to increase by 5,000.  It's definitely possibly but hard.  Especially for me since I have 6 lil charges at home!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Double Trouble..more like triple..

When our twin girls were born, we had a lot of people ask us what it was like having twins?

My answer is definitely different nearly 2 years later..

When they were first born, well it just took longer to do everything.  Two diapers to change, two to feed, two to change clothes, two to feed, two to buckle into car seats, two to carry to the car, two to pack a diaper bag for, ect.


I'll give you a few scenario's thats taken place...

Last night.  I was cutting up and packing up a bunch of meat to freeze.  My eldest came and told me the twins and Clara were in the bathroom messing with my make up.  Yup all 3 were dressed up in make up and lipstick.  Thankfully the Husband was home.  Dad got the bathroom ready for them to take a bath while I finished cutting up meat.  Then while I bathed them, Daddy got all there clothes, and blankets they got a mess and started the wash.  Once they were done being bathed.  We got them out and dressed them and Dad brushed there hair.  Dad sat them on the couch and set them up for a movie and then but there clothes in the dryer. Then he installed two gates in the house and put there sheets and blankets on there bed.  By this time all 3 were passed out on the sofa.  Geeze where was I?  I was sitting at the computer making beanies..

Some days are sweet.   Skyler discovers how to burp.  Gemma thought this was hilarious so she tries.  So then I have both girls burping and laughing their pants off.

Other days I walk into my room with them opening up drawers and pulling clothes out and throwing them at each other like its confetti.  (it took about a week for them to stop doing this everyday.  I stopped folding clothes that went in there after the 3rd attempt at putting them away)

Butter...?  Yup Clara and the twins decided butter taste good and looks even better in their hair..This has happened once..or twice.

Then, there are points in the day (yes daily now) that I find them pushing chairs to get onto the counter or on top of the dinning room table and kitchen table.

Whats that smell???  Why its the girls (Clara is included in these actions) squirting shampoo and conditioner in the toilet.  

What do I smell this time?!?!?  Its carpet cleaning.  Poured on to the kitchen floor.  Yup they are enjoying picking up this white powder and throwing it up in the air.

How is it that they are doing all this?!?!  I tend to be cleaning one mess to find another.  Yeah these girls keep me active during the day.

I sure do love them though.  I am sure my response will change again in a year or so time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I love to make things.  I love to keep my fingers busy.

The other day my sister posted pictures on Facebook of her newborn son.  In a few of them he had a beanie on.  I tried to do it once before.  Making a beanie.  But I must have been tired because it just didnt come out the way  I liked.  But seeing my nephew in a beanie I just had to try again.  


Monday, August 3, 2015


I have so many dreams of my beloved Aunt Ruthie.  I thought maybe they were worth sharing.  I at these dreams gifts.  Making her still apart of my life even though she is no longer with us.  Some dreams are lessons, guidance and in away letting me know she will continue to watch over us.

Ill be collecting a few before this post goes live.

I dont remember much details.  But it was ice cold outside.  Snowing.  In a dangerous kind of way.  Snow storm or something.  I was with 2-3 other ppl.  I dont recall there faces.  We were in a ware house of sorts and made a run for a van.  The la Cha Cha van.  I knew we would be safe and make it out.  Ruthie's van was the safe haven.  She was always prepared.  I dont know what the issue was but I began looking in each drawer.  I knew it would be there.  I knew she would have it.  She was always prepared!  (I have no idea what I was actually looking for)  I remember thinking thank goodness her van has a bathroom and shower.  And generator.

As I wake from these dreams a lot drifts out of my thoughts.

I remember being in a grocery store.  Walmart/ Target type.  Me and someone else.  Killing time.  Ruthie was with my mom.  They were at a Dr appointment for my Aunt.  It was taking forever.  Some delay.  We ended up meeting them and a Vietnamese place to eat Pho!!( I had no idea what Pho was til coming to FL)

A SN from the dreams...I just started to re-read a series its 10+ years old.  Growing up, during the summers one of the things we would do is go to the LDS bookstore after visiting the temple.  It was so much fun and they had lots of little kid friendly things you would want but also books.  My older sister picked this book up.  She read it.  I think she had it for a year or more before handing it over to me to read.  I fell in love with this series.  But not only did I love it, my sister, and Ruthie.  It was so much fun talking about these books with the 2 of them.

Ruthie, Stacey and I.  We were inside my apartment.  We had the twins and Thomas with us.  We were picking out clothes for them to wear before heading to my moms for her famous breakfast.  It was fun.  We were taking our time, talking, laughing.  I had  a full stocked closet of clothes for the girls.  I was picking up outfits and asking Ruthie which ones.  I had picked up two different kinds.  Both were a fancy dress.  We decided not those because we were going to eat and they'd get messy.  I ended up pulling 2 black leggings with designs on them and going for a drawer with shirts.

My mom, Stacey and I were in the kitchen of Ruthie/Steffie's home.  Stacey was on the phone.  I believe she was talking to Steffie.  I was searching the freezer and the side pantry.  I was looking for sweets to take on the road with me.  Jessica (our cousin) walking giving hugs and kisses, came to take my mom to the store.  (ruthie was actually present in this dream but being in her home speaks volumes in itself.)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Clara Ruth Adventures

There are definitely days worth of stories to share about this lil doll.  She has such a personality.  She is all about her way.  She definitely thinks everything is suppose to be done her way and doesnt understand that there are rules.  BUT she is definitely starting to get the idea of it.  Which makes me think understanding that will make potty training much easier.  If you recall a post I made of her sitting inside the toilet with a tooth brush.  Its all been fun and games.  I havent had the best of luck with that.  Every time I've tried to do a day of potty training she wants to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.  Which would be ok if it wasnt for the smaller kids needing me too.  Wish me luck on trying that again.  Plus I even think the twins could start but I definitely do not have enough hands or bathrooms!!

She told me to "picture me"
Clara comes dancing into the room and says "Mama Im a pretty Princess"
Today she told me to tell Dad she found his ring.
Yup she discovered she could fit inside and play..

Sunday, July 19, 2015


So where to being...Its been forever since I blogged.  Mostly due to my keyboard picking and choosing what letters it would type.  And then I just wasnt sure what kind of story to write.  I had so many ideas of post I'd forget when I actually had time to write!

Summer.  I always enjoy having all my babies home.  Not worrying about the little daily school things.  I have enjoyed there help with all the smaller kids too.  I know I'll be missing them when school starts again.  But happy that they arent so bored here at home too.

I have done much more this summer as to "school work"  Every morning we have our chores.  Besides cleaning we do Sight words, math, and reading.  Of course I get complaints about it.  Its summer...I know all this stuff already.  Plus at the end of the week with all our "chores" they get to have a soda of there choice and a new book and if they scored enough points they get to pick out what they want for dinner.  However its time to push Hailey harder at reading.  This year (1st grade) they expect a lot in reading.  

Clara.  She keeps growing more before our eyes.  Her hair has gotten so long and beautiful natural layers.  She is a boss.  She is always going after me telling the other kids what to do.  But protective too.  She is now a Diva loving getting her done.  She was the worst at letting me do her hair when she was smaller.  She loves to look at books and get into all the wrong
The twins.  They have grown so much too.  They are creeping up on there 2nd birthday.  Their hair has taken awhile to grow as much but its getting longer now.  Beautiful blondes.  They have loved getting there hair done and brushed.  They recently graduated into toddler beds.  That was fun.  Not as bad as you would think.  But it has given them a huge freedom.  I have to hide my broom or you will find one of them sweeping.  Not bad if they could watch where they swing it.  I need to get a mini broom for them.  They are obsessed with the computer.  I guess mom spends to much time on it and when its free its there new thing.  Climb inside the chair and type away and move things on my desk top.  Oh and the house phone is in view so that gets played with a lot now too.


 Thomas.  By far my happiest child.  He just lights up when u look at him.  He has been crawling for a couple of months now.  Sitting up on his own and pushing up on things.  If you ever see him, he has to constantly move his feet.  He is always rotating them.  He loves his sisters.  They are always coming to visit him in the play pen.  Pushing up on it and making him laugh.  The older two love to sit with him on the couch just to cuddle and watch tv. Four more months and it will be his 1st birthday.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Hailey, Age 6

WITHOUT ANY prompting, ask your child these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say.

1. What is something mom always says to you? Brush my teeth

2. What makes mom happy? When you stay together with Dad

3. What makes mom sad? When Dad says he’ll be home at 5 and he is really home at 6.

4. How does your mom make you laugh? By tickling me

5. What was your mom like as a child? She went to school

6. How old is your mom? I dunno, 14

7. How tall is your mom? 9 inches

8. What is her favorite thing to do? knitting

9. What does your mom do when you're not around? Knits and puts Clara and babies to a nap

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? Growing lots of money

11. What is your mom really good at? knitting

12. What is your mom not very good at? Moving dressors

13. What does your mom do for a job? works

14.What is your mom's favorite food? chicken

15.What makes you proud of your mom? Bc she let me go to her work and buy a new toy

16. If your mom were a character, who would she be? Jessie the cowgirl

17. What do you and your mom do together? We do puzzles

18. How are you and your mom the same? Same hair

19. How are you and your mom different? different feet mine are small yours are big

20. How do you know your mom loves you? Bc when I hug and kiss you I know you love me

21. What does your mom like most about your dad? Staying together

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? To work

23. How old was your Mom when you were born?
90 years old

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My new etsy shop!

I was able to purchase and make a good quantity of my Swaddling blankets and burp cloths.  Personally I was so excited on each item I finished it looks so beautiful. So I am trying to get my stuff out there to the public in hopes that people want what I've made soo go check it out.  Like my page on FB share it to your friends!!