Friday, October 17, 2014

Clara is 2

I have an official 2 year old in the house!!

Saturday Clara turned 2 and we were also able to celebrate with family and friends on this day as well.  It went great we had no complications leading up to the party it went smoothly.  Except by the time it was party time I had to sit on my butt and enjoy the view!  I know I had to have been completely out of it too.

The morning started out with the Hubs and Ryu off to the store to get the things we needed for the food for the party!  Hailey and I cleaned house a little and she took her bath and I braided her hair while the boys were gone.  Once the boys came back Ryu and Hailey helped me crack eggs and stir batter for the cake.  Then the hubs and I put all the sides together for the hot dogs!

As people arrived he started up the grill and grilled the hot dogs and we all ate hot dogs.  I had got to try out different kinds of hot dogs as I have only had chili and cheese hot dogs!!  So that was fun.  After which it was present time!

Clara made out.  She got some fabulous things.  She was ready to play with the first gift that she opened she seemed unsure of setting it aside to open more but she got the hang of it.  So now my big girl has so big kid toys and some new duds to wear and show off!

She weighs 26lbs and is 34 inches tall!!  She also got her up to date shots today so I expect her to be crabby pants..which im sure will all change the moment her Daddy is daddys girl!!

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