Tonight my kids ate there dinner and in our house if you eat all your dinner you get a treat and we happen to be all out of sweets. I told my kiddo that he could have a sweet since he ate all his dinner without complaints and did his homework good. So of course when he asked me again I looked around our cabinets and thought what am I gonna give him! Last night I knew we were out of sweets so I made him so snicker doodles to have for lunch and those were already gone except I made sure to hide one more days of sweets for his lunch. So I told Ryu lets look and see what we can make. My aunt sent me some chocolate chips to bake with and I forgot I had them in the fridge. Well they happen to be Reese's chocolate chips and they had a fabulous recipe on the back. So Ryu and Hailey helped poured things into the bowels and while they backed I had Ryu, Hailey and Clara walking in circles awaiting these babies to be done cooking! Now these are some good cookies definitely a keeper recipe.
Now my sweet loves are all tucked in bed and fast asleep. While I am finishing up baking the rest of the cookies. Also the tooth fairy will visit Ryu again. He lost his 5th tooth at school today. I am sure it wont be long when he loses another!
Your kids will remember all those cherished memories made. Especially your wonderful cooking!