We took the twins to there 1 month check up. Both are doing fabulous. Gaining weight. Skyler is 7lb 2 oz and Gemma is 6 lb 12 oz., both 20 inches long. Clara is 18 lb and 30 inches long! Hailey is 31 lb and 39 inches tall. Ryu is 53 lb and 47 1/2 inches tall. My sweet little loves are certainly growing!!
Skyler is of our most concerned of the two. She has had 3 episodes now of where she stops breathing. One of which was actually on our way to the Doctors. The Doctor seems to think it is a reflux issue. She has enough air in her lungs to yelp and that is it. She cant get air into her lungs and arches her back turns from red to purple and her eyes bulge out. It is such a scary experience. But thankfully I have been right there to get her to breathe again. So we are getting a prescription to help and we are now adding a teaspoon of rice cereal to every 2 oz of formula (per Doctors orders) and we will see the Doctor again in 10 days. I am just happy we have survived each day and have come a long way with the girls. The hardest thing about having twins is how much longer it takes to do everything! Now I cant say for sure if its because of twins or just how many kids we now have!
I am reminded each day of how lucky how blessed I am to have Ethan in my life. I cant even begin to explain what he does for me. He can easily bring a smile to my face. He is such an amazing father to our children. Most nights it is him that sits down with Ryu to work on his homework. Such an important thing and something Ryu will grow up remembering how it was him that took the time to help him. I find it funny that I can try to help Ryu with homework but he doesnt seem to understand my way of helping that it ends up being Ethan that gets through to him. You wouldnt believe it was Ethan that helps him learn over me, but it is! It is Ethan that goes to his school and request the parent teacher conference. I wished Ethan could have come sooner in the kids lives. I am so glad that our children have him in there life. They big kids desperately needed a male figure in there life.
Ryu and Hailey, well there daddy isnt in there life. We get a phone call from him maybe once a month sometimes its longer. When we were in Midland they saw him for 2-5 minutes tops maybe every other month. My divorce with him will have been a year in less then a month, But he has been out of the picture long before that. I havent received any financial help from him since the day he decided to leave. Ethan has financially support them. But im not trying to bash on the kiddos dad. Justin has had some personal struggle. (that may be part of the reason he left us, I can say that his reasoning his thoughts were wrong in leaving, and I can say that I am at peace with myself at trying my hardest to keep our marriage together, but it comes to a point where when you are the only one trying you have to let go) Justin has had some difficult time finding the path he needs to get on and get his life in order to be a better person. The reason of this paragraph isnt to down there dad its to show the lack of him being there for them and how Ethan has picked up more then his share and is more then a step dad to the kids.
I have an amazing husband, wonderful children. I couldnt be happier. We could be surrounded by struggles in our life but when all said and done at the end of the day I still have Ethan beside me and children that put a smile on our faces. What more could any person want!
So true! Sometimes its important to remember the little things, which really aren't so little!