Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fit Bit FUN!

Lets face it,  growing up I was a skinny gal.   But pregnancy is my energy to my body.  I get the urge to eat and I love it.  When  I am not pregnant I forget to eat and Im ok if I go a day or two without eating.

Since getting pregnant with Clara I havent gone a year without getting pregnant.  SO my body needs some extra help getting back to the shape I use to be.  I have always taken a year to get back after having a baby (ok so that is how I was with my first two kids)

I have a ways to go.  But it didnt take long to be pre-Thomas.  I am not working at getting pre-twins.  After that  Ill work on getting pre-Clara.

My older sister just had her baby and was talking about the coolest gadget.  I wanted one too.  A fit bit!!

I had one of those apps on my phone to calculate your steps.  I had that when I was working at JoAnns.  Let me tell you I'd think that was insane that I'd get 3,000 steps in a day at home.  Which I didnt always do.  When I would work at the evenings I'd get anywhere between 6,000-9,000 steps.  I felt on fire!!!

I lost interest in calculating my steps after I stopped working.  It took up to much memory on my phone and I hated to constantly carry it I didnt always have pockets in the clothes I would wear.

Any then my birthday came and I got me a fit bit!

My first day with it, I woke up determined to hit the 10,000 step goal.  If this is what an average healthy person is suppose to be walking I'd do it!  I felt myself so busy this first day.  I had hardly sat down for a minute.  I drank 7 waters that day.  As it was getting close to the evening I was ready to crash I was only at 7,000.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to met my goal and I wasnt close enough.  So I got my tired self on my elliptical and pushed myself harder.  I was so tired I wanted to cry from being tired.  Of course I still had to be a mom and do our nightly stuff with the kids.  I had Hailey reading my books and sight words on the kitchen floor so I could try to get my last steps in.  Needless to say I did it!!

I realized a day or two later that the elliptical didnt calculate steps right.  I decided I'd try to at least get my 30 active minutes on the elliptical.

The next day I told myself I had to do more steps earlier or i'd be dead like I was the day before.  After the 2nd day hitting my goal I was so tired.  I just wanted to sit and veg out.  I wasnt exactly sleepy.  I was also hungry!  I havent felt hungry in months and this is pushing my body for fuel!  I wasnt making my goal for a few days.  I just told myself it happens you have to have a few cheat days.  I didnt feel much different other then being moody, and tired.

But then a few days later I hit 15,000 steps.  I was challenging my sister, BIL and Husband.  I did that so I'd push myself to see that 10,000 steps a day because then they'd see it too.  I wasnt trying to beat them.  I knew I wouldnt.  They get up to 20,000 steps a day and sometimes more!!  So for another week I did 10,000 steps and one day I hit 15,000.  I kept it up!  Then I hit 15,000 again.  I thought seeing I could do it twice I needed to push my goal up to 15,00 steps a day!!!

So I started doing that as my goal everyday.  I felt as if I had just started doing this fit bit thing again.  I was tired, hungry and moody!  I hated letting things get to me that the kids do.  I usually have patience for the small stuff. I couldnt wait for days to climb by me because I needed to be fueled enough for my steps and for the kids.

Finally after near a week, I am feeling like Im getting to be use to the increase of steps and enjoying my days again.

I feel different.  I havent an accurate numbers on our scale.  Soon we will be replacing it, so I know what my weight loss is.  I feel my legs toning out.  I now have to stop being lazy and wear tennis shoes.  I have been wearing my sandals and yesterday I started to get a blister on my foot.  Joy, now I can do my goals with a

I am going to try to do my goal for another week before increasing my goal again.  I dont think I am going to jump it up that fast.  Ill try to increase by 1,000-2,000 I have had a few nights of hitting 16,000.

I have also increase my miles to 6 I am nearly hitting 7.  I am getting anywhere between 60-90 active minutes.  So days I feel like walking is to slow.  I want to get my steps faster and run.  But  I am not sure it will read the steps accurate either and I am definitely not in shape enough to run for long lol!

Yesterday I was so excited to see my 7 day steps hit 100,000.

I am also not in this alone, besides my sister and her husband, Ethan is fit biting with me.  Although he isnt as active in wearing his watch.  He has starting going to the gym 2-3 times a week and walking our dog every night.  He has finished his first week at the gym.

First week is the hardest!  So for all that want to start challenging yourself just know it gets easier after your first week and I would suggest not to increase by 5,000.  It's definitely possibly but hard.  Especially for me since I have 6 lil charges at home!!

1 comment:

  1. You Can Do It! When you start to run, don't just start running. Warm up by walking for 2 minutes and then run for 30 seconds, then increase to walking 2 minutes, running 1 minute, etc. Soon you'll be able to walk a minute, run a minute, etc.
