Monday, October 12, 2015

Clara Bell

Yesterday was Clara's 3rd birthday!!!

In away im sad that my little Clara bell is growing.  I have to say that she sticks out more then the other kids.  She just has the personality that can be described in only one way.  Its called Clara.  I love her name too.  I am so glad that the hubs and I decided on her name.

Anyways, this year she was super excited for her birthday.  This whole month and maybe part of September she was telling me soon it would be her birthday.  I thought that we would have problems with her on her siblings birthdays.  I thought she'd take charge and declare it not there birthday but hers.  But she didnt.  She was actually happy and excited to celebrate her siblings birthdays.  But she made it known she could not wait for her birthday to be here!

She would singing and tell me to sing Happy Birthday to you.  You could just tell she had such a wonderful day.

We decided to get a platter from Subway.  Sandwiches are the bests.  I also decided to get some cookies from there too.  And we had chips and salsa and a yummy Oreo cake.  Surprisingly she hasnt even had any of her cake.  If ya'll recall she hugged her 1st birthday cake and didnt want to let it go.  She held on to her for a good while.

She is happy with all her goodies and as any kid of there birthday was consumed with playing with her new stuff.  She got some books and a movie and a cute outfit and some puppets (besides actual toys that is) so she will be a happy gal for awhile.  Even better then that Christmas is just right around the corner so she is very content.

My lil sassy girl is getting big.  She is starting to really understand when you hurt someone she feels bad and tells them sorry.  So she gets that there is a cause and effect to things now.  She is also understanding that when mom and dad ask you to do something they arent giving you a choice you better do it!

BUT she still sucks her thumb.  No ideas on how to get her to drop this habit..I can try to distract her til im blue or ask her to stop but its just not happening.  I hope she gives it up soon...

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