Friday, June 27, 2014

The twins

I should have known from the beginning something was very different.  I can blame that on pregnancy brain.  But it shouldnt have been as a surprise when the tech told us we were expecting two instead of one.  It made complete sense the way I felt with my body.  I feel silly for not having figured this out sooner!  When you are nearing the end of a pregnancy you just feel it in your body.  Not only are you ready to start this life with your new borns but you feel it in your body too.  I felt that way about half way through carrying the twins.  It was hard on me.  I felt so tired, it was a lot of work for me to take a shower!  Now that I have had the girls I wish I could have kept them cooking a little longer.  But my body was giving out on me and said I had to have them when I did.

I say that I wished that they had cooked longer, just because of the scares I had with them with there reflux breathing issues in the beginning.  I was scared of losing them it was something I was not prepared for.  But the girls are fighters and over came there breathing issues!

I am now days away from the girls turning 10 months old!  They are such a joy to watch grow.  People still ask if they are identical or fraternal, to me and there daddy its so clear that they are not identical.  But I suppose if you were around them more then a day you would begin to notice that too.

Having twins, well I still feel the same as I did when they first came home. I just have to do everything twice, which means It takes me twice as long to do anything with them then it would with just one.  I love finding them off playing or even looking for me to be in the same room as me.  I am not sure if I am ready for them to start there walking.  But im also looking forward to seeing what it brings!

Im to scared to go out alone with all of the kids.  The most I do is walk to pick Ryu up from his school. I have Hailey pushing Clara in a stroller and me pushing the twins in there stroller.  I know for awhile it will be even harder with them even more curious when they start walking.  It maybe in between the ages of 2-3 that I know that they will listen and not run off at the first sight of something interesting.  I cant even do a doctors visit by myself.  You know those rooms are to small to fit all 5 kids in a room.  Plus I could not carry the twins I'd have to have them and Clara in a stroller, which means even less room in the patient room at Doctors office.  So im so grateful that I have a husband that is there for me in the things I cant do alone!

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