Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Things to come

This coming week is the last week of school before the winter holidays!  I need to gear up and be ready for no school for my lil guy for 2 weeks!  I need to stay on top of doing some type of school work for the big kiddos.

This last weekend the Hubs went on a camping trip.  I wished I could have gone!  But we have 5 kids and the twins are just to much work to do with asking someone to watch the kiddos just for me to go too.  But I wanted to go.  I am a camp type gal.  I loved doing girls camp with the church.  That is one of my favorite memories growing up. But I know that we will have some camping trips to go on and I think Hailey and Ryu are at a good age to take them so it wouldnt be so hard on someone to keep 3 kiddos!  Something to think and plan on in the future. 

Something to think about.  I look forward to the start of the new and some goals to set for the year.  I shall write a blog on the first of the year of all my goals =)

So I have a lot of things that happen around this time of the year.  Well Christmas, Wedding Anniversary and then Hailey's Birthday!  So Christmas is done I have nothing left that needs to be done or worry about.  90% of the gifts are wrapped.  Just waiting on a few minor things that should be done today or tomorrow.  Then there is my first year Anniversary!  What to do what to do.  I havent thought about it and I need to start.  I LOVE PINTEREST.  Such an awesome site to help come up with crafts and ideas.  So I am lame and didnt really know about the first year gift is something paper.  So now I have something to work with!  I searched some more and found something else on pinterest that I am soo gonna do!  Now the idea is all from this girls blog on pinterest but whats gonna be inside will be all me!  I cant wait to start working on it.  Of course gals and guys I will definitely post the final product once I give them to him =)

Then there will be Hailey's 5th Birthday!  I cant believe she is going to be 5!  I cant wait to celebrate with everyone her birthday!  I need to start planning that after I finish up the Anniversary gift.  That way people can start planning to attend her party!

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