Sunday, December 1, 2013

Date night to Turkey day

Its been awhile since I have had an update!  Well my charming and I actually got to have a "date night"!  Its been since our first visiting of seeing each other in years.  All possible because of his mom! We got to have a fancy dinner and go see the newest Hunger Games.  I have been procrastinating to read it, just because I wasnt really moved by the first one, but I really just want to read it just because they made it into a movie.
I told E this guy must be really bored only doing this for cooking and his arms must get tired!  It was interesting to see him cook and it tasted delicious.

Thanksgiving.  Well it wasnt the same, but it we were with family!  We had lots of yummy things, a lot of things we would never had with my mom and sisters.  Oh and my first time having fried turkey!  It was fun to watch and I loved seeing my Hubs getting his hands in the kitchen too. (altho this is nothing knew he and I always work in the kitchen together making our meals)

We ended up staying at his brothers a few extra days then we had planned.  E is helping set up Harolds Grooming shop.  I loved watching and so did the kids.  I think man I am so blessed to have a man that knows how to handle a hammer!  I cant wait to see it all finished up.  Wished I had snapped a few more pictures!

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