Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas fun

We have been so busy that anytime that I had I sat my happy but down to relax!  Today is the start of our slow day and I dont even know where to being with our Christmas adventures!!

Christmas Eve..well the day started out with Christmas shows in the morning, then we played in the kitchen, making cookies and decorating them.  Then we had our ham dinner!  After dinner we went to look at lights.  We got into some Christmas PJ's drank hot chocolate (made by GiGi) and I read to them the Polar Express. ( we had watched that movie during dinner).  Afterwards when we got home the kiddos went to bed and E and I began to set up Santa's gifts.  Just as we were done, E's mom and step dad came to keep an ear out for the kids while E and I went to the ER.  I was very surprised that we were there for such a short time.  I really didnt wanna go...but I am forever grateful that my Husband insisted.  I had a spider bite that didnt agree with my body.  Nothing serious just got a prescription fill!  We ended up getting home a few minutes to midnight.

As soon as I started to drift off to sleep I heard a little mouse sneak into see what all of his Santa stash was.  After about 15 minutes of being extra quiet he went to tell Hailey Santa had come. Hailey came in talking as loud as she could doing that ooo and aaah's.  I finally had to tell them go get some more sleep so we could open presents later.  

We all woke at 7am and started opening the gifts under our tree.  I can not tell you how blessed we felt to have all those gifts under our tree!  I am so grateful that my sisters sent all those gifts to the kids.  After opening all the presents it was time to clean up and get our breakfast gathering under way.  E was busy outside flying helicopters outside with Ryu and Hailey her fairy.  I was in the kitchen getting our Breakfast casseroles made.  E's family arrived in perfected timing.  

The kiddos then got to open gifts again.  Well not just the kids us adults have a few things to open too!!  I cant begin to tell you how awesome my gifts were they meant a lot to me and to be able to have in my home now.  Another surprise and so grateful that E's family did as much as they did for me and mine.  What awesome gifts that they got to open from his brothers/sister and mom.  I forgot to mention here is the fabulous work of my husband and my no help, since I have no talent; gifts we made the family.

After our second round of opening of gifts we all drifted in the kitchen and started our breakfast!  As soon as breakfast was in done and everyone left...I totally crashed out while the Hubs started to put Hailey's kitchen together.  

As soon as I got up from my nap it was time to get going to E's aunts house for dinner!  We got to eat an amazing dinner and enjoyed everyone that was there and time just flew by us!  Then we got to have something very special take place.  Lyle and Virginia gave us a live performance!  It was so awesome to hear them play  I loved it!  After that there was more gifts to open.  It was then, that E and I were given something that is such an honor to have.  Aunt Marty gave us her mother's and step dad's wedding bands.  Such a treasure!

Well this was just the beginning of our Christmas week.  More to come in the next few days!


  1. Those wood signs are awesome, they look professional! I love all the pictures of the kids.

  2. I know they do!! I tried and I had to repaint the board and I just let E do them...but it was my idea!
