Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Goals for 2014

So the biggest thing I would like to be as a GOAL this year is, plan on doing things more with the kids.  One big thing once a month and something little once a week.  Like going to the beach, or the Aquarium, or fishing.  And little things, could be have a game night or puzzles, movie, baking.  I want to have it planned before we start the month so we have something to look forward to and if it cost money try to budget that in.

The other is for the Hubs and I to diet.  I am actually a happy weight kind of gal and normal it takes me a year to recover from being pregnant to being in pre-preggo days.  BUT I am over being preggers since I was pregnant back to back and I am tired of not having a lot of selection of clothes.  I have a great amount in each size from XS-L but im not even there yet.  Mostly in my hips and below.  

I would also like to plan something like a date night with the Hubs something similar to the once a month thing as with the kids.  To maybe something little like playing games with him.

Now something big that is possible that it may not even happen.  But I would love to make/sew things and have a big lot of it and have a space rented for a one time thing to sell maybe likes once a month.  I know somethings arent the best quality and somethings I do probably could be done better.  But  I think there are some select people that dont want to take the time to do it and would rather just buy it, plus its original you wont find these things in stores.  And Just maybe I'll take an online class or maybe not haha.  

Well here is to hoping for a great 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas part 2

So the day after Christmas we pretty much had the day alone,  I need to catch up on sleep and the toys needed to be put together and boxes gather to the trash. Plus the very next day we were to go to Steve and Chaz Foy's house to celebrate Christmas with them!  I stayed up the night before making that yummo Carrot Cheese cake this way it would be in the fridge for several hours before we left.

The day always escapes me.  Getting 5 kids ready and me always last!  What usually happens is I do half the work on getting everyone ready and E finishes with who ever I have first while I start on the next one.  TEAM WORK!  Then when all is done he starts to load everyone up while I finish getting dressed.  We made it in perfect timing to Steve's and Chaz's house.  We just enjoyed the company sat talked and watched the kiddos for awhile until everyone was there and then it was present time!  I think my lil loves got the best Christmas this year.  I cant even begin to express the love I have felt from all.  The kids got some awesome stuff from our newly found family Steve and Chaz. Plus E and I too!  I am so grateful that they think of us and include us, I felt so loved and important!

After the presents dinner started on the grill and we all enjoyed yummy snacks, sides, and hamburgers/hot dogs!!  After we were all full they started to do the fishing!  I was so worried Ryu wouldnt catch any and be disappointed and not want to do it ever again...BUT my lil man caught 2 fishes!!  Hailey enjoyed singing and danging with the other girls there and watching them catch fish too.  It was a fabulous night.  

I can say that there are some people that E is friends with that im not comfortable around just yet.  I am ok with him in the room but without him I have a semi panic attack which im pretty positive that they cant tell, well other then the room is pretty much silence.  But  I felt totally at home and relaxed.  You know where you could just open the fridge and get whatever you wanted instead of feeling the need to ask permission first.  Or if I was tired I could totally crash out there in one of the extra rooms.  (I cant just do that anywhere!)  Plus I dont sit there and look at the clock wondering when we are going home, time just flew by us!

Such a great day! ( Pictures are coutesy of Sara Templeton!!)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas fun

We have been so busy that anytime that I had I sat my happy but down to relax!  Today is the start of our slow day and I dont even know where to being with our Christmas adventures!!

Christmas Eve..well the day started out with Christmas shows in the morning, then we played in the kitchen, making cookies and decorating them.  Then we had our ham dinner!  After dinner we went to look at lights.  We got into some Christmas PJ's drank hot chocolate (made by GiGi) and I read to them the Polar Express. ( we had watched that movie during dinner).  Afterwards when we got home the kiddos went to bed and E and I began to set up Santa's gifts.  Just as we were done, E's mom and step dad came to keep an ear out for the kids while E and I went to the ER.  I was very surprised that we were there for such a short time.  I really didnt wanna go...but I am forever grateful that my Husband insisted.  I had a spider bite that didnt agree with my body.  Nothing serious just got a prescription fill!  We ended up getting home a few minutes to midnight.

As soon as I started to drift off to sleep I heard a little mouse sneak into see what all of his Santa stash was.  After about 15 minutes of being extra quiet he went to tell Hailey Santa had come. Hailey came in talking as loud as she could doing that ooo and aaah's.  I finally had to tell them go get some more sleep so we could open presents later.  

We all woke at 7am and started opening the gifts under our tree.  I can not tell you how blessed we felt to have all those gifts under our tree!  I am so grateful that my sisters sent all those gifts to the kids.  After opening all the presents it was time to clean up and get our breakfast gathering under way.  E was busy outside flying helicopters outside with Ryu and Hailey her fairy.  I was in the kitchen getting our Breakfast casseroles made.  E's family arrived in perfected timing.  

The kiddos then got to open gifts again.  Well not just the kids us adults have a few things to open too!!  I cant begin to tell you how awesome my gifts were they meant a lot to me and to be able to have in my home now.  Another surprise and so grateful that E's family did as much as they did for me and mine.  What awesome gifts that they got to open from his brothers/sister and mom.  I forgot to mention here is the fabulous work of my husband and my no help, since I have no talent; gifts we made the family.

After our second round of opening of gifts we all drifted in the kitchen and started our breakfast!  As soon as breakfast was in done and everyone left...I totally crashed out while the Hubs started to put Hailey's kitchen together.  

As soon as I got up from my nap it was time to get going to E's aunts house for dinner!  We got to eat an amazing dinner and enjoyed everyone that was there and time just flew by us!  Then we got to have something very special take place.  Lyle and Virginia gave us a live performance!  It was so awesome to hear them play  I loved it!  After that there was more gifts to open.  It was then, that E and I were given something that is such an honor to have.  Aunt Marty gave us her mother's and step dad's wedding bands.  Such a treasure!

Well this was just the beginning of our Christmas week.  More to come in the next few days!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

First Year of Marriage

I know that my gift to my Husband isnt flashy and It didnt cost me any money.  
But here it is:

Open When you want to look forward to the future

Open when you need to remember how much I love you
Open when  you need to smile at a memory
Open when you need to remember why I love you
Open when you Miss me
Open when your faced with something difficult
Open when your a Grump Butt
Open when you forget and need to be reminded dont change
Open when things just arent going your way
Open when you cant sleep
Open when you need to hear the words: I love you
Open before bed

I wrote 12 letters to my husband one for each month until we celebrate our next Anniversary.  Now I did get the idea from someone off pinterest.  I only used some of her open when statements but most of them are my open me thoughts.  Plus whats inside are all my words to him.

My lovely gift from him is soo beautiful I love my new flowers!

I am so grateful for my loving Husband.  I have no idea what i'd do without him in my life, he takes care of me in so many ways and puts my needs first and I know how important I am to him.  I love the day we decided to be married on.  This day 3 years ago was the first time I saw him in years and now this day for the rest of our lives will always be spent with family.  I love my Prince Charming!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Rolling over babies!

I can officially say we have twins that roll over to there bellies!!  So proud and happy my girls have reached a milestone!

So here we are another holiday has creeped upon us.  And with that we tend to get to busy to blog or post status updates.  Lets see.  I picked up Ryu from school Friday, his teachers last day of school.  I worry who his new teacher will be for the rest of the year.  I am beyond upset that his teacher started out the year only to retire half way through.  So hopefully I will stay on top of doing a little worksheets of math and doing some reading while we are on Christmas break.  Here is my sweet Clara girl while we wait to get Ryu.

I also decided to try out making a fancy bow out of wrapping paper and here is the fancy work super easy!!  Its on a Apple Pie I made for my FIL dad.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The things they say...the things they do

I am trying to keep up with some of the cutest things my kids say to write in my blog at some point.  A couple weeks back Ryu and I were talking about some of the kids in his class.  I was then informed he had already had a girlfriend but they broke up.  She broke up with him because she would rather be friends.  And the way he told me was with a carefree attitude like thats ok because there is another girl I like haha.

Hailey told me today while I was doing laundry that Diesel doesnt know yet but there is a Santa and Diesel needs to learn so that he starts to be good before Santa gets here. --Hmmm I wonder if I need to get him a stocking from Santa now..

Clara  I am pretty sure we have a child that will love taking some type of dance class.  Anytime she hears music-tv, radio, even from our cell phones she starts to dance!

My twins.  Well lets see I now can tell you that since E claims Gemma to be my girl I have tried harder to give her attention.  Guess who started to be a cry baby...Skyler.  Ok well that may have been my fault.  Have you ever tried everything you could think of to calm your crying baby and feel like are a terrible mother because you cant seem to know why they are crying..well thats when you sit down and think of what it could be.  I think not wet diaper I dont think she is teething or sick and its only been 2 hours since she ate and they go 4...well DUH mama she is still hungry its time to up her formula by an ounce.  So now Skyler is back to being happy and now Gemma is less of a cry baby bc mama is giving her attention.  Skyler is happy to hear my voice.  Skyler is now an expert at grabbing things.  She grabs at whatever she see's, she holds on to my hands and holds tightly on to her bottle (she isnt coordinated enough to hold the bottle yet)  Gemma grabs at things too but she isnt as interested as Skyler.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Things to come

This coming week is the last week of school before the winter holidays!  I need to gear up and be ready for no school for my lil guy for 2 weeks!  I need to stay on top of doing some type of school work for the big kiddos.

This last weekend the Hubs went on a camping trip.  I wished I could have gone!  But we have 5 kids and the twins are just to much work to do with asking someone to watch the kiddos just for me to go too.  But I wanted to go.  I am a camp type gal.  I loved doing girls camp with the church.  That is one of my favorite memories growing up. But I know that we will have some camping trips to go on and I think Hailey and Ryu are at a good age to take them so it wouldnt be so hard on someone to keep 3 kiddos!  Something to think and plan on in the future. 

Something to think about.  I look forward to the start of the new and some goals to set for the year.  I shall write a blog on the first of the year of all my goals =)

So I have a lot of things that happen around this time of the year.  Well Christmas, Wedding Anniversary and then Hailey's Birthday!  So Christmas is done I have nothing left that needs to be done or worry about.  90% of the gifts are wrapped.  Just waiting on a few minor things that should be done today or tomorrow.  Then there is my first year Anniversary!  What to do what to do.  I havent thought about it and I need to start.  I LOVE PINTEREST.  Such an awesome site to help come up with crafts and ideas.  So I am lame and didnt really know about the first year gift is something paper.  So now I have something to work with!  I searched some more and found something else on pinterest that I am soo gonna do!  Now the idea is all from this girls blog on pinterest but whats gonna be inside will be all me!  I cant wait to start working on it.  Of course gals and guys I will definitely post the final product once I give them to him =)

Then there will be Hailey's 5th Birthday!  I cant believe she is going to be 5!  I cant wait to celebrate with everyone her birthday!  I need to start planning that after I finish up the Anniversary gift.  That way people can start planning to attend her party!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Just another day

Either I am getting old...or I have dryer skin here in Florida.  My mom told me to get some night of Olay.  I remember her using this when I was a little girl.  I loved the smell of it and always wanted to use it! Is it weird that im excited to start using this because I remember the smell growing up.

Here is a picture of my sweet lil guy during our nightly reads. Tonight he gets the privilege of reading a story off my kindle!

Yesterday we started to work on our craft skills for Ethan's families gifts.  Uh yeah I tried and its one of those you desperately want to do it but realize you just have no skill.  So yes this one is 99% Ethan making.  He is superior on this, but hey it was my idea and I did help paint the backing..lol will post pictures after it has been given!  But I am soo happy we started on it I love that Ethan and I do things together like this.

I forgot to mention in my last post about the twins!  They are sleeping through the night!  Well this is what I consider through the night.  Last feeding is at 10pm and the next is 6am.  I do have to get up a time or two to put a passy in there mouth or cover them.  But we have being sleeping through the night for a little over a week.  I swear I didnt think the girls would sleep through the night until much later since its difficult to entertain two at once.  Now to work on more tummy time.  I have been lacking on doing that with the "reflux" issue and time gets away from me so Im making a goal to try to do more.  I find it funny that when they were born I just automatically got closer to Skyler. The first time I saw her after having her (this was in NICU) when I spoke she opened her eyes and looked at me.  When I went to Gemma and spoke to her she cried.  But I guess that could have been a cry of love your finally here..lol  But I just couldnt help feel more from Skyler because of her responses.  The minute E looks and talks to Gemma she stops being quiet.  He has been able to get her to eat better and faster then I.  So I told E Gemma is his girl and Skyler is mine.  Boy has that changed.  Skyler looks so much more like Clara and so far seems to have a personality like Clara the happy smiles.  E now claims Skyler, why bc Gemma is our cry baby so she is now mine haha.  Aside from our cry baby I couldnt be happier to have a partner that loves our children. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So far this month

One of the great things about having a tree is the twins love the lights!  Dad and I have decided that Skyler is going to be a lot like Clara.  Not just in looks but personality wise.  She is a happy baby.  My poor Gemma is a cry baby though.  Its harder to get a smile out of her.  Which my mom says I was just that as a baby.  But as of the last few days both girls are teething!  Can we say double YIKES!  The first tooth to pop are always the hardest on my babies.  I know it will be a few months before they get them.  But we are having a temp, diaper rash, and eating fist right now.

Some days more then others my sweet Clara is so loving.  She just wants to cuddle and be loved on.  I am grateful she is starting to listen and understand "No" when she gets into things that she shouldnt be. 

Well I decided this year that the big kids can get presents for each other.  This morning we took Hailey and she kept getting upset she couldnt buy herself something.  She just doesnt want to wait for Christmas.

I love Christmas time and I am just as excited for the rest of the gifts to come in the mail and I am like Hailey I want the kids to open them NOW!  But I also love the excitement for the kids to wake up Christmas morning to see what Santa and the Elves brought them. 

I love the Christmas traditions some new and old that we have started.  My mom, she would tell us to leave our shoes out for the Elves to leave chocolate golden coins.  With Ethan's family they have the pickle ordainment.  Then there is reading Christmas books Christmas Eve and going to look at the lights while drinking hot chocolate.  

Plus this year we are in a different house, a different state, and we will spend it with Ethan's family instead of mine.  (We hope that next year we will be spending it in Texas!)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December-Tis the season!

Tis the season!  So I have and try to resist the decorating and bringing the tree out until December 1st.  So we have our tree out.  However no decor on it yet.  I decided with Clara in a curious stage and the love to sticking things in her mouth that we would wait until about a week until Christmas to put up the decorations.  The hubs spent some time outside with our lovely decorations made by my brother in law.  We need to get more lights for him to hang on the house but its more then I have ever had on my own place.  The hubs repainted the fire place so its now time to get the kiddos stockings put out.  I still need to order Clara and the twin's stockings so they can be hung too.  We have a few cold days but none that I need my big puffy jacket scarf or gloves.  Some days are good enough to want some hot chocolate.  I cant wait until its the week of Christmas and getting to see the Christmas lights out and reading Christmas stories and snuggling up watching Christmas movies!  I love Christmas time.  I just hope that it turns out to feeling like the holidays since we are far from my family.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Date night to Turkey day

Its been awhile since I have had an update!  Well my charming and I actually got to have a "date night"!  Its been since our first visiting of seeing each other in years.  All possible because of his mom! We got to have a fancy dinner and go see the newest Hunger Games.  I have been procrastinating to read it, just because I wasnt really moved by the first one, but I really just want to read it just because they made it into a movie.
I told E this guy must be really bored only doing this for cooking and his arms must get tired!  It was interesting to see him cook and it tasted delicious.

Thanksgiving.  Well it wasnt the same, but it we were with family!  We had lots of yummy things, a lot of things we would never had with my mom and sisters.  Oh and my first time having fried turkey!  It was fun to watch and I loved seeing my Hubs getting his hands in the kitchen too. (altho this is nothing knew he and I always work in the kitchen together making our meals)

We ended up staying at his brothers a few extra days then we had planned.  E is helping set up Harolds Grooming shop.  I loved watching and so did the kids.  I think man I am so blessed to have a man that knows how to handle a hammer!  I cant wait to see it all finished up.  Wished I had snapped a few more pictures!