Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Girls

I am sure a few are wondering and a few already know.  I figured instead of repeating this over and over again its just easier to explain it on here.

As I have mentioned in one of my blogs, the girls have these episodes.  It can occur as little as 5 minutes after eating and as late as 3 hours (right before next feeding).  What happens is I hear a yelp and there face is red turning purple and there eyes start to bulge out, they arch there backs and cant get air into there lungs.

There pediatrician had us on some Med's and thicken feeds.  That didnt change these episodes so he sent us to a Gastrointestinal Specialist.  When we went to the appointment they wanted to run some tests on the girls that required them to be admitted.

The first test ran was a ph probe. It was to see how to determine the amount of acid reflux in there esophagus.  It takes 24 hours.  This test came out negative.  So they wanted to run another test.

This test was done with the Pulmonologist.  He did a sleep test.  Which is done at night.  They only had one machine available so Skyler did it the first night and Gemma the next night.  This test was to determine if the girls are holding there breathe or if there brain isnt telling them to breathe.

So after this test was done we were released.  We are to see this specialist within 3 weeks to go over the test results.  The results should be in this week.  If there is something of concern they will contact us sooner.  They also sent us home with apnea monitors.  These monitors track there breathing and heart rate.  They will be on this for a month (when we go to the Pulmonolgist we will see if they need to continue to be on them)

We still need to follow up with the Gastro Doctor as well in 2 weeks.

All the days blurred into one day for me there.  Honestly I wasnt stressed or scared while staying there with the girls.  I have dealt with these episodes for awhile now its just part of life now with them.  I was happy being there, knowing we would get something done and find some type of answer for these episodes.  I never left there room.

While there I got to see my girls give me smiles through all there testing.  I grabbed a picture of Sky smiling but I never could get to my phone fast enough to get one of Gemma.

 I had volunteers come to my room everyday that I was there.  They were so awesome.  One of the ladies brought two Halloween balloons.  And another lady come to play music (she played the harp).

 A few of the stinkers while there was there stinkin foot monitors these girls are such movers and kickers I eventually gave up trying to get them to stay on and just toned out the beeping.  The other thing I had a hard time watching was then taking there temp by sticking it in there booty.  OUCH.

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