So where to being...Its been forever since I blogged. Mostly due to my keyboard picking and choosing what letters it would type. And then I just wasnt sure what kind of story to write. I had so many ideas of post I'd forget when I actually had time to write!
Summer. I always enjoy having all my babies home. Not worrying about the little daily school things. I have enjoyed there help with all the smaller kids too. I know I'll be missing them when school starts again. But happy that they arent so bored here at home too.
I have done much more this summer as to "school work" Every morning we have our chores. Besides cleaning we do Sight words, math, and reading. Of course I get complaints about it. Its summer...I know all this stuff already. Plus at the end of the week with all our "chores" they get to have a soda of there choice and a new book and if they scored enough points they get to pick out what they want for dinner. However its time to push Hailey harder at reading. This year (1st grade) they expect a lot in reading.
Clara. She keeps growing more before our eyes. Her hair has gotten so long and beautiful natural layers. She is a boss. She is always going after me telling the other kids what to do. But protective too. She is now a Diva loving getting her done. She was the worst at letting me do her hair when she was smaller. She loves to look at books and get into all the wrong
The twins. They have grown so much too. They are creeping up on there 2nd birthday. Their hair has taken awhile to grow as much but its getting longer now. Beautiful blondes. They have loved getting there hair done and brushed. They recently graduated into toddler beds. That was fun. Not as bad as you would think. But it has given them a huge freedom. I have to hide my broom or you will find one of them sweeping. Not bad if they could watch where they swing it. I need to get a mini broom for them. They are obsessed with the computer. I guess mom spends to much time on it and when its free its there new thing. Climb inside the chair and type away and move things on my desk top. Oh and the house phone is in view so that gets played with a lot now too.
Thomas. By far my happiest child. He just lights up when u look at him. He has been crawling for a couple of months now. Sitting up on his own and pushing up on things. If you ever see him, he has to constantly move his feet. He is always rotating them. He loves his sisters. They are always coming to visit him in the play pen. Pushing up on it and making him laugh. The older two love to sit with him on the couch just to cuddle and watch tv. Four more months and it will be his 1st birthday.
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