I never thought I'd be carrying Thomas as long as I have. I am ready to meet him! Yesterday was my due date. And there is no signs of having him anytime soon!!
But I am comfortable. I am not yet feeling that "im so tired of being pregnant" feeling and I think after being pregnant with twins I have learned a different type of patience. I went into labor on my own with Clara and the twins (twice). I think that had to do with the feeling I felt mentally. I knew I was going to have Clara on that day. Mostly bc I was being induced. With the twins I didnt think I would last and each day I carried them was a hardship in its own. I felt like I would have them at any time of each day. I havent felt none of that with Thomas. I just sort of wake up and I think well its not going to be today...
I have tried a few of the tips you read on inducing labor naturally. None have worked. I am not ready to try the oil's or tea's. I am just not ready to be in labor and need to go poo...lol But today I will try going to the acupuncturist again. (thanks to my MIL) I tried it for the first time last week and it was pretty neat to experience. I can say that through out this pregnancy I have had this hip tail bone pain and after seeing the acupuncturist I havent felt that pain. After seeing her the first time, I did feel a difference. I have contractions all day long but I feel like im over exaggerating calling them contractions. There is no pain to them. So after going to the acupuncturist I felt the contractions much stronger but it still wasnt painful. So today I will get to go again! I am hoping for a bigger difference.
Since I had a c section with the twins I very likely could have another c section. But I would rather have Thomas as a VBAC. But I was told I could not be induced because it could rupture my uterus. So unless I can go into labor on my own Ill be able to have him VBAC otherwise c section again. Either way there is still a lot of risk having a baby after having a c section. I try not to do to much research on the topic otherwise i'd be overwhelmed when I do get to meet my little boy.
But here I am past my due date waiting on his arrival. I know it wont be much longer until I get to meet him. If the acupuncturist appointment doesnt do it this time, then I have an appointment on the 21st. At which point they will see if my cervix is soft and what they maybe able to do to kick start the labor and if they dont see a chance of that happening Ill be on the books for a c section. If they have room it will be the same day and if not within a few days of it.
Not only this but this baby I know will be the biggest baby I have had yet. Being that I had all but the twins at 39 weeks and they were all a little over 7lb. Today I would not be surprised if Thomas was 8lb or extremely close to it. And If I dont have him until the 21st he could very well be nearing 9lb!
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