Monday, September 22, 2014

Birthday FUN

So I turned 29 last week.  One more  year in my 20's!!  I remember and im sure everyone has experienced this.  BUT I remember being younger being excited about being a grown up!  Here I am and I have to remind myself that I am considered an adult now and im a mom!

On Monday I received one of many gifts.  I got a beautiful card from my little big sister!  Stacey sent me a cherishable card and $$ to go towards my JoAnn's fabric shopping spree!

Tuesday morning we were off to JoAnn's.  The flannel is more then half off and such a variety.  I was able to get enough to make 3 receiving blankets for Thomas.  A regular blanket and enough yarn to make a crochet blanket for Thomas.  I felt like this crochet blanket was even more special because of the type of yarn I was able to get.  One summer that I was in CA with my Auntie we were on a JoAnn's run.  She found this purple yarn on sale and said it had to be Hailey's blanket.  So I have this vivid memory of working on this blanket in CA.  Hailey still adores this blanket nearly 6 years later.  I have often searched for this type of yarn everywhere I've gone and I have never found it.  Of course being at JoAnn's I found it again (different color) and on sale as well.  So while making this blanket feeling the yarn in my fingers I felt taken back to a memory stored.  And anytime spent with my aunt is a memory to cherish.  I hope to find different colors to make for each of the kiddos one day. 

I also was able to get enough material to make my Clara a wubbiez blanket (which was posted in a blog before this one).  Now we call it this bc if my memory is correct my Auntie made my cousins daughter's these blankets that are super soft and silky that they called wubbie.  So I made a version of it.


Later that day I got a delivery of an awesome bigger crock pot from my Auntie.  Being that we have a bigger family to feed I was in the need of a bigger crock pot!  So now im on the hunt for other great crock pot recipes!

I also got me a gift card from my MIL to amazon which is even more awesome, since I have a lot of books I want to read that come out next month!

The day after my birthday my MIL came over with a groupon for us to use and I got to eat out on a date with the Hubs!  Even more of a bonus my babies got to spend time with there GiGi.  Which they always end up talking about for days afterwards.

I also got this neat gift set from my little sister of burts bee's stuff.  I've never tried them out before and have always wanted to but just never got stuff before.

All in all I got lots of birthday texts/calls/ and FB post from all my friends and family that made it even more special knowing I was thought of.

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