I can tell you that I have the most absolute fun watching Clara grow. She has such a personality and I can tell you a few hilarious stories and I can tell you that not all of them were funny at first..lol
I find it fun to see her go through stages I know. That are more familiar territory. Right now she is in one of those stages where you should throw away her plate bc it will be eaten even hours after served!
I love hearing her voice and the things that she says.
"thats cool!"
"awh cute"
"pretty hair"
"are you ok?"
"ow that hurt"
"ew thats gross"
"stop it dad/mom"
"baby crying"
"mMm thats good"
"come here"
"thats hot"
"thats funny"
So she is pretty much with a set of vocabulary these days. I know that im not even close to mentioning all her little words but those were my favorite.
I adore hearing her sing "let it go" when we have the movie Frozen on.
Not so fun stages that thankfully we are over the hill on; not being able to communicate. And with that comes other ways of doing so. Pushing and hitting. Im glad she is finding her words so we have less of the physical talk.
Plus she is kind of bossy too. When Im telling one of the twins not to do something she makes sure that they heard me and tells them no too and if they dont stop she makes them. BUT she loves her sisters too. I cant count how many times she hugs and kisses the girls, gives them snacks or sippy cups and toys to play with. She loves to tickle them too. She finds it funny when they laugh bc she is tickling them.
Although I thought she'd talk more about Hailey and Ryu when they arent home while they are at school. But she doesnt. But when they are home she follows them into each room trying to do as they do. So you can say she likes her "me time"
Im surprised the big kids havent addressed how she is spoiled in away. She gets to stay up much later then them. She has to have her Daddy time. Late night cartoons and a sweet or two. You can definitely tell when she is tired. She wines for her daddy and once she is in his arms she is passed out within seconds. I love her relationship she has with her daddy. It is something special to witness. Im afraid it wont last much longer as the twins will want to get there Daddy time too. Every once in awhile though one will wake up when everyone else is fast asleep..except Daddy and Ill hear one of the girls with daddy.
Lastly I should be posting this closer to her birthday being that she is not to far off from turning 2! But I couldnt resist and the words flowed easily of her as of late. I was able to make this sweet angel another blanky. Lets say that any and all blankets she likes she chews a hole in it to be able to get a string o ut of it and she loves to fall asleep twirling the string. So I decided to try to make her something with string for her to twirl so she doesnt have to chew one out! Daddy picked the colors and patter to it and she already loves it. Although again I was going to try and wait giving it to her until her birthday but....