Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weekly cooking adventures!

I decided that I better limit my cooking ventures to once a week or so or each post maybe of food!!  Last night we made another great meal!  As usually its me that starts it and the Hubs that finishes it. (sometimes the other way around)  We made pork chops some greens and Mac & Cheese noodles.  I have no found the only way I will make a Mac & Cheese.  If your a cream cheese lover you'd like it too.  Last nights meal was one of those nights that we looked around our kitchen and just threw something together.  I had a half a block of Velveeta and a block of cream cheese.  I cut those up threw them in with the  noodles with some heavy cream.  Man that was the bestest Mac!!  And of course the Hubs boiled the chops and it is the only way to make these.  They have so much flavor and are so juicy!  The seasoning part is one of those packets of Hidden Valley Ranch, I had a them marinating in the fridge for a hour or so before we actually cooked them.  They taste good even if you dont have a chance to have them soaking in the seasoning.

We love fresh french fries.  Its actually been a while since we have made some.  I have been going through some of my pinterest boards and wanted to try this out.  So I started it out 11/20.  You have to soak them for 3 days.  I cant wait to taste these babies!
We love fresh french fries.  Its actually been a while since we have made some.  I have been going through some of my pinterest boards and wanted to try this out.  So I started it out 11/20.  You have to soak them for 3 days.  I cant wait to taste these babies! So we tried out these fries today...I opened the jars and man it stunk! I rinsed these babies an d still fried them. So the anticipation was fun the fries not so good. very crunchie outside a little to crunch and not an over cooked type of crunch. oh well!

I have been wanting to make this Oatmeal cookie for several months now!  This week going to the store I made sure to get all I needed just for this baby!  OMG heavenly tasty.  Now I have finally found the it in this Oatmeal cookie.  Never will I ever make another oatmeal cookie any other way!  I wish my aunt was still here.  Oatmeal cookies were her favorite!  Every summer i'd come to see her we would make oatmeal cookies from the "JOY" book.  Here is the blog I got it from (off pinterest)
(I also added raisins to it, I mean come on thats just weird to me not to have raisin in an oatmeal cookie! Ok I know there are the few that dont like them but I didnt put a lot in there to be a big noticeable thing)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fun Night

We decided that the kids need more of a family night.  Mostly in honor of Ryu.  He works so hard at school all day and then has to come home to work hard on homework that he just had so much on his plate we were starting to see it take a toll on him.  So last night was our night!  We all ate in the living room and watched Monsters University!  It was such a cute movie.  I also have to say it was Clara's first tv attention ever, she even laughed at a few parts.  I now want to go and buy this!!  Afterwards we got the PJ's and baths done and ended the night with playing Go-Fish.  Daddy won...Ryu second place and Hailey and I last!!  It was a fun night for us.

I am starting to go down on my energy again!  Gah I started pushing myself with Iron again.  I am such a lacky on that one.  I have to tell myself not to want to curl up back in bed every morning.  I need me an energy pick me up!

Hailey is such a great sister to her baby sisters.  She loves to be a mother to them.  She helps me in so many ways with each of the girls.  This morning she insisted on getting her pillow pet for Gemma.  

Tomorrow Ryu's school is holding a Powwow for the kinder and first.  Then they are out for Thanksgiving for the week!  I am going to need to get in gear and print out a few math and writing fun for him to do all week so we do not fall back! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

All in a day for me!

Well not a lot of news to share as of lately.  I have been still doing my cooking thing just about everyday, trying new things and seeing what I like and knowing what to do different the next go arounds.  Yesterday my cousin posted a chocolate Banana bread.  Sure was tasty.  After slicing a piece I realized what it needed.  Next time ill put some walnuts in it!

I am trying to be better at providing my Hailey girl some "homework" everyday this week.  I have printed out a bunch of worksheets for her.  I need to order her a work book. She loves her homework.  

Clara had her 1 year check up this week (yes a whole month later lol)  She is 19lb and 30 inches.  She took her shots like a champ just making her faces at the lady.  She gets her toughness from her daddy and her expressions from me.  She is in a curious stage.  Every once in awhile you will see her go look at the baby twins.  As we speak she is bend over Gemma, she took Gemma's passy out and is now trying to put it back in her mouth. She knows a few more words now.  She says "Ryu" "Hailey" "ew" "look" "no" "daddy" "dada" "mama" I am sure ill remember a few more later after posting this..

I am ready to start up my craftness, sewing projects for Christmas gifts.  Although with what I have in mind I need some materials that I do not have!

Besides the baking craftiness I have a love for books.  I finished another one of my books last night.  It brought me to my very first books.  I remember having a love for books from when I was younger.  I loved the Beverly Clearly books and The American Girl series.  (to my sister I suggest you maybe get these books for Allison since she is an American girl fan, it may get her to love to read!  I think it would be her age level read (I think I was her age when I read them))I remember my Aunt feed my love for these books all the way up til she passed and a few of my trips to Barns and Nobles were with my other Auntie who still feeds my love for books.  But now as an Adult.  I have to tell you my all time favorite books.  I will never hesitate to tell anyone what it is.  If I could force you to read this series I would!  I have to tell you that I would never have read these series if it had not been for my sister Stacey.  Infact she has been the one to introduce a few great books.  DUm DuMm dum ok the book is Called Emeralds and Espionage by Lynn Gardner. In fact I think Ill just re-read this next for the millionth time!  

Friday, November 15, 2013


Its been months since I have actually gotten to bake or create in the kitchen.  I didnt realize how much I missed cooking until this last week.  Cooking is one of the things that make me ME.  I love to bake so much that if ANYONE wants me to bake then something fabulous I would do it.  If I could invite someone to dinner everyday just to have the excuse to cook a meal and bake a dessert I would.

I love pinterest.  Before pinterest days my sister would look in our fridge for brand names and look at there website for some recipes to try.  Thankfully for pinterest I have so many neat things I want to try out.  I have decided I want to try to make something new every week that I have already pinned (if not more then once a week!)

This week I have made a cabbage soup, potato soup, a roast, key lime pie, and pretzels!  Not a thing we didnt like!

I found it super suprising that my Ryu thought the Cabbage and Potato Soup was by far the best thing I have ever made.  My kid is picky!  Now he ate the Roast but I didnt hear any raving reviews from him this time lol.  And he definitely didnt want to try the pie Hailey took a bite and said its to sour.  Now one that wouldnt complain is Clara she ate that faster then a dog cobbles down steak!  So I need to keep note on what Ryu likes that I bake since he doesnt care for many meals but will eat anyways lol.

Just a few shots of what I made this week.  (the pic of the soup isnt the final product thats about half way done with it)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Everyday I strive to be a better mom.  I wanna be that fun cool mom and that mom that has those fresh baked cookies to snack on when the kids walk in the door.  Although I dont do that cookie thing everyday and im sure im not as cool as I want to be.  

I never thought I'd have as many kids as I do now.  But I love each one of them.  I look forward to the twins getting bigger though.  I worry to much about there episodes and its hard to haul each of the kids to the store.  Well we havent tried to do that.  I hope we dont have to either!

I have to admit sometimes I hate living here and sometimes I love it.  Some of the down falls Ethan and I have I try my hardest not to think..if we still lived in Midland this wouldnt happen.  Point is I really dont know if it would or not and  I am happy to have left Midland.  But at the same time Midland holds so many memories its hard to start making new ones somewhere else.  And mostly the only reason I miss Midland is that is where my sister is.  Ok I miss the root beers there and the weather.  I envy the cold season Midland is having right now.  (even tho I hate the winter I stand tall loving my Texas heat no matter how hot and uncomfortable it gets)  Plus I think it will take me awhile to adjust to things that are different here. 

 Random gas stations here you cannot only get slurpee like you can just about any other gas station, you can also get a bag of peanuts (like all kinds boiled in different flavors) like bags like pop corn kinda bags...weird huh..haha

So I forgot to mention one of the things we did this last weekends was spending time at Virginia's (Ethan's mom) and I got to be apart of something I miss of my family.  Sharing stories of when we were younger.  I got to hear some of the stories of Ethan's dad.  I absolutely love hearing these stories.  It makes me feel like I am apart of this family and laugh together.  It also makes me miss his dad.  I wonder if that is far to say since we didnt get to know each other.  The only way I know him is from the days when he taught us during Sunday School.  I am extremely grateful that I at least have those memories of him.

Family is everything to me.  My best days here have been surrounded by family.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

10 Weeks

The girls are now 10 weeks.  I cant believe time flying by us and feel so blessed we are surviving!  Yesterday they had there 2 mo check up.  Which means the girls got a round of shots!  The other kids have never had a reaction to shots but my poor Gemma sure did.  She would hardly eat and then at 2 am she refused to eat and actually threw up what she had four hours before.  I was so worried about my sweet girl.  Plus with a fever.  But here we are hours later and she is doing much better and eating again.  So the girls are 21 inches in length and Gemma weighs 8lb 11oz and Skyler weighs 9lb 15oz. My Sky she kept trying to turn over while the Dr was checking her eyes and ears out.  She is ready to roll baby!!
One thing I have gotten use to is there cries.  One tends to always be crying while Im feeding the other.  I sure wish there were two of me but maybe this will teach the girls patience early lol.  I dont think I  can say enough how much I love the girls smiles.  Moments like these I cant believe I have two babies at ones.  Such  a blessing I never thought I'd get the pleasure to experience.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Today is my honey's birthday!  This is our 3 year together celebrating!!  We have had a fun few days celebrating with all the family.  This kids woke up him up this morning with the cards they worked very hard on.

My Prince charming.  I am so lucky to be spending this day with him and many more.  I love waking up at any time of the night knowing he is right beside me.  I have known E since we were in the 5th grade.  We were 10.  I wont forget the days of him getting on the bus.  Me already seated looking out the window.  Then I hear nothing but silence I look up and I already know why.  Ethan Huchton has just walked on the bus and every girl has stopped talking/holding there breathe to see who he will sit with.  Well I wasnt one of them I knew he'd never sit with me.  Although I thought he was the most mysterious attractive male I knew I'd never get the chance to date him.  I knew I wasnt on him radar of girls to date.  So I never day dreamed of the impossiblity.  I remember the first few real conversations with  him.  I was dating his friend Ray Henry.  Ray and Ethan would come up together to talk before school started.  One day Ethan came with out him and asked me why I didnt wear make up.  I told him I didnt really have an answer IDK I just never thought about it.  He then said you should you would look prettier with make up on and walked away.  Now I know most girls would have been totally crushed but I knew he was right.  So I started to wear make up.  After that conversation days/weeks later Ray calls me E is hanging out and E gets on the phone talks to me and then I hear him say "dude your right she sounds way hotter over the phone!" again Im sure most girls would have been crushed but I thought to myself he is right.

I remember when myspace was real big and I friended him.  He never chatted with me then.  But then he came into my life.  I asked him to be my friend on FB and I had no intentions of ever chatting with him.  I was sure I was a forgotten memory he'd prolly have no clue who I was.  But he messaged me and we instantly started to talk.  If you know me I am a text kind of person.  E would call I wouldnt answer.  Sometimes when I was bored and the kids were playing or sleeping I'd answer and for some reason hours would pass.  Before I knew it I loved him.  I didnt expect that.  I for the longest time saw him as just someone to talk too.  I wasnt going to let myself day dream he lived in FL I was in TX.  He came when I needed him the most he had so much patience to help me through such a hard time in my life.  He is my rock he never gave up on me.

Now here we are in FL with 5 kids and I cant picture our life without him.  We have such good memories together laughing and smiling.  He is the best father to all of our kids.  He is made for me and I am made for him.  So here is to one of the many birthdays we will get to celebrate. Happy Birthday to my prince charming.  I love you.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Yesterday was such a fun day although by the time it at all took place I was so sleepy...I should have taken me a mini nap!

Well before the Hubs went to the store we searched pinterest for a dinner we wanted to make and a dessert.  We decided on a dinner my sister said she made and it came out fabulous.  A chicken fajita cooked in the over. And since we were doing a Mexican dinner charming wanted to make his mom's Pico de Gallo.
Hubs took the girls to the store and I cleaned up the house, swept, mopped, dishes, laundry and the what nots.  Once he got home we got right to chopping!  That night we'd have his mom, step dad, brother, and his husband over for dinner.  This took place because my lil man requested to eat dinner with GiGi.

After we were done chopping we but together the dinner and charming went to go get lil man from school while I feed the girls.  As soon as I was done with that Hailey and I went straight to baking the dessert we picked from pinterest as well!  And boy did it turn out super fabulous.  My picky boy even ate it up!  Carrot Cheese Cake
After all said and done we had great company and a good time together.  Kids got to enjoy there Uncles and GiGi and Poppy.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Girls

I am sure a few are wondering and a few already know.  I figured instead of repeating this over and over again its just easier to explain it on here.

As I have mentioned in one of my blogs, the girls have these episodes.  It can occur as little as 5 minutes after eating and as late as 3 hours (right before next feeding).  What happens is I hear a yelp and there face is red turning purple and there eyes start to bulge out, they arch there backs and cant get air into there lungs.

There pediatrician had us on some Med's and thicken feeds.  That didnt change these episodes so he sent us to a Gastrointestinal Specialist.  When we went to the appointment they wanted to run some tests on the girls that required them to be admitted.

The first test ran was a ph probe. It was to see how to determine the amount of acid reflux in there esophagus.  It takes 24 hours.  This test came out negative.  So they wanted to run another test.

This test was done with the Pulmonologist.  He did a sleep test.  Which is done at night.  They only had one machine available so Skyler did it the first night and Gemma the next night.  This test was to determine if the girls are holding there breathe or if there brain isnt telling them to breathe.

So after this test was done we were released.  We are to see this specialist within 3 weeks to go over the test results.  The results should be in this week.  If there is something of concern they will contact us sooner.  They also sent us home with apnea monitors.  These monitors track there breathing and heart rate.  They will be on this for a month (when we go to the Pulmonolgist we will see if they need to continue to be on them)

We still need to follow up with the Gastro Doctor as well in 2 weeks.

All the days blurred into one day for me there.  Honestly I wasnt stressed or scared while staying there with the girls.  I have dealt with these episodes for awhile now its just part of life now with them.  I was happy being there, knowing we would get something done and find some type of answer for these episodes.  I never left there room.

While there I got to see my girls give me smiles through all there testing.  I grabbed a picture of Sky smiling but I never could get to my phone fast enough to get one of Gemma.

 I had volunteers come to my room everyday that I was there.  They were so awesome.  One of the ladies brought two Halloween balloons.  And another lady come to play music (she played the harp).

 A few of the stinkers while there was there stinkin foot monitors these girls are such movers and kickers I eventually gave up trying to get them to stay on and just toned out the beeping.  The other thing I had a hard time watching was then taking there temp by sticking it in there booty.  OUCH.