Well everyone (just about) has a blog and my sister has told me I needed one! So HERE IT IS! I can already tell it will take me a few posts to get the hang of this Blogger thing, But if Stacey can figure it out so can this lady!
Where to really begin. I have had lots of thoughts of posts and didnt start one. We have been living in Florida now for almost 4 months now. Why did we move? Well one of the biggest reasons is rent in Midland was getting to high and we needed a bigger place then the little 2 bedroom place we rented. For us to get a bigger place...meant me to work again. Which may have ended up for no reason paying for child care plus we were expecting again (twins). The other biggest thing was all of my family had moved out of Midland. I could not possible imagine living in the towns they lived in. Plus I know that my Hubs missed FL. Well Im not sure he missed FL but he sure missed his family and friends here. I figured that my charming living in Midland for 2 years I can try FL out and who is to say that FL is our permanent home. Plus I needed to move away from my Glenn family. Mostly my ex husband. I cant say that anything was terrible from him and his family. I just had an internal battle that I had a hard time move past living there.
Life here has been wonderful. I have meet many new people and many people we call family here. We have had lots of blessing brought our way moving here. Lots of love and help with the arrival of our girls. Many goals and milestones reached. Clara is walking/running repeating words we say. Hailey and Ryu have grown love many people here. Ryu included has grown to have a special bond with Ethan. It was a hard time adjust to his dad leaving us and not being around (his defense is knowing if he or we needed him he was only a phone call away) These days Ryu has started to call Ethan Dad. He still calls him Ethan but it is mostly Dad these days. Ethan has always been dad to Hailey. I didnt ask the kids to call him that. I simple told them who he was. This is Ethan, he is your step dad. This means he going to be a dad to you too. Tomorrow the twins will be 4 weeks old! We have had some problems with Skyler. She has had some trouble with breathing but I feel like each day is an improvement!
There are definitely somethings FL doesnt have for me that Texas does. Its pretty impossible to find a fountain Barq's root beer here ( A&W)(yuck). I miss my Husband stopping by Jacks to get one a root beer before coming home from work. I miss my Texas heat, the fall, winter, and spring. I miss the big roads (here the roads are so narrow!) I miss my sisters. I miss the way the rain smelt after/before it rained there. Florida has a lot of wonderful things here too. Of course the water is a plus. Beaches, rivers, lakes its everywhere. There is one thing that I have a love for here. It reminds me of a place Ruthie would have found and taken us girls too. A place that has homemade ice cream. Its half vanilla half orange ( orange part is from the oranges that grow here). Speaking of which I definitely see a stop there in the future! I havent yet but I can see us going to the sponge docks. That also reminds me of something Ruthie would have taken us too. There is a lot of reminders of California here (which is where us Hughes girls spent the summer every year of our life!) I have also found my new found love of water. I am sorry Dasani you have been replaced. Zephyrhills. Yes by Zephyrhills. I can drink like 10 bottles of these waters to 1 of dasani. Mostly it reminds me of a taste of when I was little. Playing outside and drinking out of the water hose. Sadly since I cant get Barqs it has been replaced my Zephyrhills. Either that or me a cold starbucks frap.
Ok so HERE IT IS! My first blog. Many more to come of the life as a Huchton =)
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