It had been an interesting pregnancy, birth and whole month of life with the girls. I can say we were hoping for a boy. Well I was hoping for a boy for Ethan. I know how much it would mean for him to have a boy, but we were graced with 2 girls. Once we got here to Florida we went to Morton to get started with insurance and the what nots. Once in the hospital they put the belly monitor on and of course it was all over they had to keep moving the belt to keep up with the heart beat. With the nurse and mid-wife trying to figure an exact due date and joking with Ethan about there being more then one baby. We went down stairs to get our sonogram. We went in laughing about the nurse/mid-wife joking of more then one and told the tec. She asked as she put the machine to work how many heart beats they got. We told her one. She asked are you sure. I looked at Ethan and said well no not really I mean they only got one. She said well there are definitely 2. I could feel the color in my face drain and looked at Ethan and his shocked face. Well we never saw twins in our future that's for sure. Well we werent exactly shocked but surprised.
After that we had a sonogram every week and a doctors appointment every other week. As time passed us, I got more exhausted and my belly grew. I felt so useless. I had the hardest time rolling from one side to the other. I had to pick my belly up and push it over to the otherside, my body would move but not my belly! The girls were all over my belly. There wasnt one permanent position. If one wasnt breech the other was at one point both heads were down. As it ended both were breech. I went to the hospital 3 times by the 3rd visit is when we ended up having the girls. Funny that the 3rd time going I was grumps I kept telling Ethan...I hate this coming here again to spend a few sleepless uncomfortable hours pushed and poked to be sent home again. I am soo ready to be done with this!!
As much as I was ready to have them Im glad they kept cooking I wished even that they had kept cooking a little longer. It was interesting and an overwhelming experience having a c-section. I definitely felt like I had had a baby for the first time. I was ready I had read up googled and researched what would take place and how things would be afterwards. But noting prepares you for the moments being pushed down to the operating room and not really knowing whats happening.
Both girls were in the NICU for 5 days. I was there for 4. Although im pretty sure I could have been released much sooner. We still do not know if they are identical. I hope I remember to ask the Dr when we go in again on the 9th. But I can definitely tell the difference. I am surprised how much they look like me when Clara looks so much like her daddy. They have such a Hailey face. I look forward to seeing them grow and to see how closely they look to Hailey.
They are both doing wonderful. I am still a paranoid mess with them and there feedings. We have had some issues with Skyler not being able to breathe. I was finally able to understand that Skyler is not only spitting up her formula out of her mouth but her nose which is blocking her air ways (something that I will definitely mention to her Dr) But she is doing better each day. They of course can go longer stretches of not eating during the day. But we are slowly making our way to the night time...So maybe soon ill be getting more sleep at night. Its not so easy trying to keep two awake during the day! They take turns being the first to alert me during the night. One seems like she can keep sleeping and the other seems like I forgot to feed her!
Life with twins! I know that I was given these girls for a very special reason. I also think its Gods way of making me be more out going/friendly to strangers/family/friends..because lets face it when people see twins they stop to talk to you or want to look at them!
Life with twins! I know that I was given these girls for a very special reason. I also think its Gods way of making me be more out going/friendly to strangers/family/friends..because lets face it when people see twins they stop to talk to you or want to look at them!